PRIVATE PAYPHONES #4 Hiya. Here again with Lesson 4 of Phreaking Private Payphones: Dirty Tricks. Dirty Tricks involve things you can do to piss off the owners of a private payphone (you know, the ass that won't refund your quarter even though you know he owns the store and the phone). 1. The Oyster Trick. This one is particularly disgusting. Materials required: 1 gooey, slimey oyster (the slimier the better!) and 1 piece of A.B.C. gum. (already been chewed). Put the piece of gum at the very bottom of the coin return chute and stuff it down into the oyster drain hole there. Then, put the oyster in the coin return, and leave. Come back later that day and remove 1 gooey oyster and shitloads of change that people were too grossed out to retrieve. If the owner of the phone gets a handful, oh well. 2. The Balloon Trick. This one is similar to the oyster trick but you use a balloon to block the coin return chute by inflating it very little and stuffing it up the thing. Later come back and prick the balloon, and jackpot! - Both Tricks 1 and 2 annoy the owner by causing customers not to receive their change back, causing com- plaints to the owner, and possibly a service call. By the way, Tricks 1 and 2 also work on Bell Payphones... 3. The "Dead Phone" Trick. This one only works because the general populace is too stupid to listen for dialtone before inserting the Quarter. Step 1, locate the conduit described in the last installment carrying the power to the phone. Cut the 2-4 wires carrying the power. (Usually 12-48 V.D.C., though be careful! some phones use 110 A.C.!!) anyhow all day the idiots come up to the phone, pick up the handset, put in a Quarter, and gulp! the phone has no power, so not only is there no dial tone, but it can't activate the coin relay to return the Quarter! Later that day, come back and reconnect the power, and make a call, but hang up before anyone answers and JACKPOT! All the change hung up in the coin relay comes back down the coin return. Do this a couple of times until the relay is clear of coins. Some phones automatically eat on power-up, so this may not work, but if it does, it may not get all the coins in the relay. This Trick will most usually generate a service call, and when the tech gets there, there won't be any problem! - (snicker). In the next Lesson, we'll get into HACKING payphones!!! - YES, HACKING! - most private payphones have internal MODEMS! - those that do not are remotely controlled by DTMF's instead of carrier modems, but can also be hacked. Well, Until Later.