read new nonstop follow 87397 16-MAY 18:45 Telecom (6809) RE: SuperComm (Re: Msg 87395) From: RANDYKWILSON To: MMCCLELLAND Bingo. When using AciaPak and T2, you need to have the device in slot one of the MPI. Aciapak sets the MPI to send through interupts *only* from slo one. This is why you're missing so many chars. The packs interupts aren't getting through. You're only getting what is caught during the 60hz clock IRQ scan. There is a hardware hack to get around this, but it is only needed if you want to run more than one IRQ driven device at a time. For now, just move the pack. While on the subject, there is one more thing you'll run in to. With the stock clock and Aciapak, the mod-pak will appear to lock up on occasion. SAcia and Ed #9 clock were written to fix this. So get them installed soonest. :> Oh, in the mean time, if it locks, hit another window and do a "dir" on a floppy drive. IT isn't the pak itself locked, it's the IRQ logic in the GIME chip. Accessing a floppy will shake it free on motor off. Kludgy, but it will keep you rolling. Randy -*- 87398 16-MAY 20:06 General Information RE: lha/Nitro (Re: Msg 87375) From: BANANAMAN To: VE3DAC (NR) I've had problems with LHA under Nitros9 as well, but they always seem to go away when I append #24k to the command line. Give it a try. --Andy -*- 87402 16-MAY 23:59 General Information RE: lha/Nitro (Re: Msg 87375) From: WDTV5 To: VE3DAC (NR) Yes, I've been using "lha2.11b", I'm Nitro'd, no problems with it. Matthew's lzh now is another problem, but it still works, you just have to feed it files it made. Even tho the filename extension is the same, the headers used aren't so they don't like each others output. I wish we had defined a new ext for the name and that would ahve fixed a LOT of Matts lzh probs. Cheers, Gene Heskett -*- End of Thread. -*- 87399 16-MAY 20:10 General Information OS9? From: BANANAMAN To: ALL All these messages under the PGP for OSK topic are really starting to piss me off. --Andy -*- 87400 16-MAY 23:02 General Information RE: 2 B&B interfaces at the same time (Re: Msg 87396) From: STEWARD To: BROWN80 Yes, you are correct about setting about the descriptors for another slot. Another you have to do is rename the driver and make the new descriptors use that driver. The driver itself won't handle to interfaces. I've done it this way in the past. I'm just not able to do it with an older interface. Brian -*- 87401 16-MAY 23:31 General Information Fest From: CHARLESAM To: ALL Well its getting near time to shut down the machine and box it up. Had the car serviced today and its time pack a bag or two. Chicago (Elgin) here we come. Hope to meet many of the people here and thus be able to put faces with names. I made my shopping list out and tommorrow I'll break open my piggy bank and count my coins. Who knows, maybe an upgrade is in the works. Here I am at 50 feeling like a kid approaching Christmas Day. Ah, some people never grow up. I love it though.... Charlie -*- 87403 17-MAY 00:04 General Information RE: Fest (Re: Msg 87401) From: REVWCP To: CHARLESAM Charlie I look forward to seeing you, may God go with with you and grant you a safe trip. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 87406 17-MAY 00:23 General Information RE: Fest (Re: Msg 87403) From: CHARLESAM To: REVWCP Thank you so much Brother Jeremy. We are looking forward to meeting you. Be there Friday if all goes as expected. See you then Charlie -*- 87421 17-MAY 21:53 General Information RE: Fest (Re: Msg 87401) From: HAWKSOFT To: CHARLESAM (NR) > Well its getting near time to shut down the machine and box it up. Had > the car serviced today and its time pack a bag or two. Chicago (Elgin) > here we come. Hope to meet many of the people here and thus be able to put > faces with names. I made my shopping list out and tommorrow I'll break > open my piggy bank and count my coins. Who knows, maybe an upgrade is in > the works. Here I am at 50 feeling like a kid approaching Christmas Day. > Ah, some people never grow up. I love it though.... Charlie > I'm here in Elgin now (5/17). Where are you guys??? I'm Waiting!!!! :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: Delphi: HAWKSOFT Internet: HAWKSOFT@DELPHI.COM ******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.01.00 >****************** -*- 87425 17-MAY 23:20 General Information RE: Fest (Re: Msg 87421) From: JEJONES To: HAWKSOFT (NR) > I'm here in Elgin now (5/17). Where are you guys??? I'm Waiting!!!! Well...I'm here in the Land of Pig, trying to get ready, and hoping that things don't turn out on the road like they did last time I rode back from the Chicago area. That afternoon, a state trooper pulled us over. We wondered whether a tail light had gone out, until she walked up and told us she was headed down the road to check out a report of a tornado, and we'd better be ready to pull over and jump in the ditch. "Yes, *ma'am*," we said. We were at a point at which there wasn't much but road, so we didn't have much choice save to drive on and look to see whether the cars approaching from the other direction were on the ground. Opinions herein are solely those of their respective authors. Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside -*- 87430 18-MAY 01:06 General Information RE: Fest (Re: Msg 87425) From: MITHELEN To: JEJONES The 5 day outlook for the Chicago, and surounding area looks excellent. Temps are expected to climb into the 80's towards the weekend, with a chance of rain sunday evening... -*- End of Thread. -*- 87404 17-MAY 00:07 General Information fest From: REVWCP To: REVKAK Dear Keith: I look forward to seeing you friday. I don't know if you know CHARLESAM. He lves over in North Massapequa. I pray that you will have a safe trip, and may God go before you to prepare a safe journey. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 87428 17-MAY 23:41 General Information RE: fest (Re: Msg 87404) From: REVKAK To: REVWCP Dear Brother Jeremy: Thank you for the prayer for safe journey. I will contact CHARLESAM, he may like some company for the long ride to Chicago. I have his number since we both belonged to the Long Island CoCo club. Let me know if I may be of any service on Sunday morning. I do have a local minister's license. With all God's blessings, Rev. Keith Kounovsky -*- End of Thread. -*- 87405 17-MAY 00:13 General Information Fest From: REVWCP To: ALL Dear Friends: I will be offering a celebration of the Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion) on thursday evening with special intentions for those traveling to the fest. I pray that God will grant all of you safe travel, and that this will be a good time together. Knowing how things work out, I will offer special prayers that Vendors and their wares arrive together... I am truly looking foward to seeing all of you again. I suppose that the fest of one of the special times of the year for me. It is a time to great old friends and make new ones. I hope that it will be a successful fest for the vendors and once again a special thanks to Glenside for making it possible. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 87446 18-MAY 22:37 General Information RE: Fest (Re: Msg 87405) From: JOHNREED To: REVWCP Looking forward to seeing you again Br. Jeremy. We will arrive real late Thursday (or early Friday) to give Christie more time to haul me into Chicago to see museums, dolphins & whales, and other tourist-type stuff. Christie tolerates computers, but she is not especially fond of them. Her only sign of interest in the 'fest' itself was to ask "will Br. Jeremy be there?" (honest!). I'm bringing the MM/1 this time - maybe it will learn something too. ******************************** If you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs ----- you probably don't understand the situation John R. Wainwright <> <> -*- 87447 18-MAY 23:43 General Information RE: Fest (Re: Msg 87446) From: REVWCP To: JOHNREED (NR) Dear John: I am very touched that Christie would ask. I remember speaking with her last year. I lokk forward to seeing you both. (Sorry that should be look) If you can keep your head while all about you are losing theirs ---- at least you can wear a hat????????????????????? With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- End of Thread. -*- 87407 17-MAY 01:58 General Information RE: Coco stuff for sale (Re: Msg 87011) From: TAULBORG To: MRGOOD I would like the hard drive if you still have it! -*- 87419 17-MAY 21:50 General Information RE: Coco stuff for sale (Re: Msg 87407) From: MRGOOD To: TAULBORG Yup, the hard drive is still available. Hugo -*- 87423 17-MAY 22:17 General Information RE: Coco stuff for sale (Re: Msg 87419) From: TAULBORG To: MRGOOD (NR) How much would the hard drive cost me,shipping and all?and can you hold it for me if i want it? One more question is it mfm or compatible?I run with a B&B interface and a 5150 controler card that will handle two drives.Thanks for the reply and I hope and pray for another good reply! -*- 87424 17-MAY 22:27 General Information RE: Coco stuff for sale (Re: Msg 87011) From: TAULBORG To: MRGOOD (NR) I just came back to read your original message and with postage and stuff, it would cost me $70 or more for that 20 meg so I think I will go across town to the used computer store and get a bigger one for less. Sorry to bother you but I bought my 20 meg mfm seagate for $1 a meg.The used computer store across town has a little higher prices but worth the trips it takes to get one that works.If you ever decide to get rid of your drive REAL cheap let me know!!! -*- 87431 18-MAY 01:10 General Information RE: Coco stuff for sale (Re: Msg 87407) From: JWILKERSON To: TAULBORG What.... did you burn out another HD :) _almost_ made it to the meeting..... My work schedule starts me at 9pm now, so I'll be again once able to attend meetings... if only for a part of them. Seeya -- John -*- 87432 18-MAY 01:13 General Information RE: Coco stuff for sale (Re: Msg 87424) From: JWILKERSON To: TAULBORG Hey Steve... if you see any other good stuff there, drop me a line.... I need a power supply, so I can get my Tandy 1000 HX back on line.... need to use it to run PGP to encrypt email between me and my girlfriend. -- John -*- 87444 18-MAY 22:28 General Information RE: Coco stuff for sale (Re: Msg 87431) From: TAULBORG To: JWILKERSON (NR) No I didn't mess this one up i just need a lot more room for OS9. Yes I have finaly got into os9,and I love it but I aint so good at it! I am good enough tofill up 3/4 of a 20 meg drive though!Now I need a second drive just for os9! We would love to see you at the meetings!!!!!We are trying to put it as close as we can to it's original shape!Just showing up for a little while will help!Maybe you could come over here someday and help me fix a few things in os9.I got most things working fine but some things I don't know how to do,or I mess it up all the time! Nice hearing from you and please reply or get in contact when possible. See ya L8r! -*- 87445 18-MAY 22:31 General Information RE: Coco stuff for sale (Re: Msg 87432) From: TAULBORG To: JWILKERSON (NR) I will try to remember to look for a power supply when I make it up there but I have to come up with the money for a second hard drive first! -*- End of Thread. -*- 87408 17-MAY 02:09 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 87357) From: ISC To: MREGC Ric, Thanks for the support! Maybe there is still a chance to turn some things around or open a few pairs of eyes. Bill -*- 87422 17-MAY 21:53 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 87352) From: HAWKSOFT To: MREGC > ..End of Sermon... > ..Can the Church Say Amen?... > ..Eric... > AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: Delphi: HAWKSOFT Internet: HAWKSOFT@DELPHI.COM ******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.01.00 >****************** -*- 87438 18-MAY 06:00 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 87422) From: MREGC To: HAWKSOFT (NR) > AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always good to hear from the congregation. :) ..Eric... -*- End of Thread. -*- 87409 17-MAY 03:16 OSK Applications Format of OSK "kill" From: MREGC To: ALL Being without a set of OSK manuals, I find myself at a disadvantage that hopefully someone here will help me with. I've been using the old CoCo OS9 C-Compiler manual to get the syntax, entry and exit conditions of all the system calls, but I can never be sure these hold true under OSK. In particular, can someone tell me the syntax for OSK "kill" C call? I also need to know the values it returns and under what conditions it returns them. ..Thanx... ..Eric... -*- 87433 18-MAY 01:45 OSK Applications RE: Format of OSK "kill" (Re: Msg 87409) From: NIMITZ To: MREGC int kill(pid,sigcode) where pid is an int and sigcode is a short. conventional meanings of sigcode are found in Signal.h returns -1 if an error occurs, with the appropriate error in errno. If the PID is zero, the superuser can send a signal to all processes. BTW - I'll have two manual sets at the fest with me, for a nice discount off of Microwares SRP. -*- 87437 18-MAY 05:58 OSK Applications RE: Format of OSK "kill" (Re: Msg 87433) From: MREGC To: NIMITZ (NR) > BTW - I'll have two manual sets at the fest with me, for a nice discount > off of Microwares SRP. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend. Even if I had the money I would have used it to get the manuals and the 68340 first! :) If you don't sell those manuals, and the price is different than the one you've already quoted me, (and that price isn't just a show special,) l]EV”5R´RX¶ready know the financial situation, when it changes at the end of the month that may become a possibility again. ..Eric... -*- End of Thread. -*- 87410 17-MAY 18:21 General Information Qed From: ILLUSIONIST To: ALL Can someone upload a copy of Qed to the databases here, it is a program from the old OS-9 UG, it is listed in the OS-9 Source Book but isnt in the database here on is listed in the source book as being in volume 55.. does anyone have a copy of this editor? or know how I can get ahold of it.. -* Mike -*- 87426 17-MAY 23:20 General Information RE: Qed (Re: Msg 87410) From: JEJONES To: ILLUSIONIST > Can someone upload a copy of Qed to the databases here, it is a program > from the old OS-9 UG Gee...I didn't know anybody even remembered it any more. I have it, and I'll upload it. (It was a port I did of a C Users Group program--I sped it up, at the expense of internal fragmentation, and made the syntax more like Unix ed. Oh, yeah...I added the ability to escape to a shell; CP/M, of course, didn't allow that sort of thing.) The archive I'll upload will include a list of things that really ought to be done to the program; if you have the inclination to improve it, I expect that people will appreciate it; it still has some uses, especially in shell scripts and the like. Opinions herein are solely those of their respective autHHh+Y¹ Chip: Big Brother Inside -*- 87435 18-MAY 04:59 General Information RUWR+Y(Re: Msg 87426) From: ILLUSIONIST To: JEJONES Great! Thanks.. I am kinda busy with a few other programming projects right now.. but as soon as my time frees up, I will definatly look into adopting Qed.. I need to get a text editor integrated with IndiPWB anyway.. thanks.. -* Mike -*- End of Thread. -*- 87412 17-MAY 19:09 OSK Applications RE: G-WINDOWS for MM/1 (Re: Msg 87313) From: CPERRAULT To: NIMITZ >>Should be this year,...<< Sounds great. I hope they do come through with it. >>but they are not sure they want to do it....<< Hmm, would you happen to know how effective some anonymous threatening letters would be? Really, I do hope Kwindows becomes available for the Delmar systems as well as other OSK machines. That's where our software seems to be now. The more machines it is available for, the more software is bound to come out :-) >Chris< -*- 87416 17-MAY 20:48 OSK Applications RE: G-WINDOWS for MM/1 (Re: Msg 87205) From: HAWKSOFT To: JOHNBAER Hi ED!!!! Let me add my THANKS as well!! And I too will see you at the 'fest. BTW, will you be returning my 'electronic check' ??? Or should I put an 'electronic stop payment' on it?? Chris :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: Delphi: HAWKSOFT Internet: HAWKSOFT@DELPHI.COM ******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.01.00 >****************** -*- End of Thread. -*- 87413 17-MAY 19:21 General Information Panasonic Printer From: CPERRAULT To: ALL Ok here's the latest with my Serial to Parralell converter adventure. Make that, the Blue Streak Ultima. A while back, on a few occasions I asked whether the power required on pin 18 to run the ultima was supplied on Panasonic printers, and so far everyone has said no. Recently my folks got a new 486 for the house and my mother got an HP 560 Deskjet for her hair Salon so she print out color envelopes and such. They brought the Panasonic home for the new computer, so I decided it would be a good time to test for myself, since it is now at the house :-) This is the model K KX-P1123(24 pin) btw. I hooked it up to the ultima and powered it up, and it actually APPEARS to be getting power. When I type 'dir >/p' it does send characters to the printer BUT, all it prints is a line or so of garbage. I changed my baud settings in xmode and on the ultima to try and find some improvement but got none. There was one thing I noticed tho. If I had my xmode for the printer baud at 2400 and the Ultima was set at 9600 I got that garbage, but if they were both 9600 or 2400, I got nothing. Would that indicate I am not getting enough power, or am I just dealing with bad settings either in xmode or somewhere on the printer? I can't find the Dip switches on the panasonic, but am not sure if it even has those hidden anywhere. I'll check the printer manual to see what I can scrape up there, but if anyone can confirm that I am getting power, please reply. See Ya >Chris< (who should probably just buy the Deskjet anyway) -*- 87414 17-MAY 20:12 General Information Fest From: REVWCP To: ALL Dear friends: On Sunday morning, as I am under obligation to offer the Holy Eucharist, we will be having a worship service. If anyone coming to the fest, from the local area plays guitar or other instruments, and would like to contribute to the service as a musician, please feel free to do so. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 87415 17-MAY 20:27 General Information TEAC drives From: JHICKLE To: ALL When one of my TEAC F55BR's died recently I picked up a couple of the same model (I thought) from Hi-Tech Components. One of the new units has a solenoid that moves the head into contact with the disk media when the drive is accessed. The noise is bothersome, especially when the house is quiet. None of the jumpers on the unit seems to allow the solenoid to stay engaged; HS was jumpered...moved that to HL. Does anyone know if it going to cause trouble if I swap the solenoid & associated hardware with the no-solenoid assembly from the old drive? -*- 87417 17-MAY 20:50 OSK Applications OSK kill() C command From: VAXELF To: MREGC Here is the syntax from my C manual. Kill() synopsis: #include int kill(pid, sigcode) int pid; short sigcode; function: Kill() sends a signal to a process. Both the sending and receiving process must have the same user number unless the sending process user number is that of the super user(0). the value in sigcode is sent as a signal to the process whose ID number is pid. you can give any value in sigcode. The conventional code numbers are definded in the header file. kill() returns -1 if an error occurs and the appropriate error code is placed in the global varible errno. caveats: The super user can send a signal to all processes running on the system if the pid is zero. Hope this helps. Right out of the manual. John D. -*- 87436 18-MAY 05:47 OSK Applications RE: OSK kill() C command (Re: Msg 87417) From: MREGC To: VAXELF Thanx much, that's exactly what I needed to know. Now that I know that I have the syntax correct, I obviously must be doing something else wrong since the 2 processes don't seem to be communicating properly! ..Eric... -*- End of Thread. -*- 87418 17-MAY 21:24 General Information Printout From: REVWCP To: ISC (NR) Dear Bill: I'm sorry that I have taken so long to acknowledge your letter containing printout samples of MAX-10 on the DeskJet 500. When finances permit, I will be buying one. Thank you for taking the time to help me out. With all best wishes, Brother Jeremy, CSJW OS9 User's Group Treasurer -*- 87420 17-MAY 21:52 General Information RE: Think about it... (Re: Msg 87317) From: HAWKSOFT To: PAGAN Just remember: "Reality is only the most widely accepted FANTASY!!" :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: Delphi: HAWKSOFT Internet: HAWKSOFT@DELPHI.COM ******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.01.00 >****************** -*- 87427 17-MAY 23:32 General Information OS9 Nominations From: BRIANGOERS To: ALL First off I am sorry I took so long to post this.However send responces to me via e-mail (BRIANGOERS) ON DELPHI. I am Chairmen of the Nominating committee. so if you wish to run for a position on the Board send the information that is printed below , to me. The following positions on the OS-9 Users Group, Inc. Board of Directors are open for nominations. Position Term Incumbent --------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ President (Two years) Carl Boll Executive Vice President (One year) Colin McKay Director-at-Large (Three years) Ed Gresick Director-at-Large (Two years) Steven Weller Director-at-Large (One year) VACANT Voting will be held during the OS-9 Users Group, Inc. Annual General Meeting to be held 21 May 1994, at 7pm in the Meeting Room of: The Holiday Inn Elgin 345 W River Rd Elgin, IL. Nominations are open to Individual Members of the OS-9 User Group in good Standing who are at least 21 years of age. Nominations shall be submitted in writing, and shall be signed by two nominators who are Individual Members in good standing, and signed by the candidate. Nominations may be passed to the Secretary prior to the meeting, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OS-9 Users Group, Inc. Nomination Form Position :_____________________________________ Name Nominee:________________________________________ Nominator #1 :__________________________________ Nominator #2 :__________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Brian Goers V.P OS-9 6809 Chairman of Nominating Committee -*- 87429 18-MAY 00:17 General Information Computers From: COCOKIWI To: ALL To ALL........****** NEWS*** FLASH ******** Commodore is no more AMEGIA ...64,s/128,s they were losing money a lot.....and have finaly closed up shop! ***** R.I.P ****** Another one joins the lost computer crowd....... Dennis -*- 87434 18-MAY 03:01 General Information # of daily messages? From: DGANTZ To: ALL Could anyone tell me what the average daily number of messages are left? Also, could someone refresh my memory as to how to file all new messages so that I can download them? Thanx. Dave -*- 87440 18-MAY 09:19 General Information Fest Weather From: BOISY To: MITHELEN I've been watching the weather closely too. The latest I have is that Chicago is going to be clear and warm from now (Wednesday morning) to Saturday. Actually, it looks like we here in Des Moines will have a pretty good week left, with clouds moving in Friday. We're leaving Friday morning, heading east, so we'll be in the sun all the way there. What better way to start off a great weekend than with great weather! BTW, for those of you with Internet access, telnet to at port 3000 for up to date weather information from the NWS. -*- 87442 18-MAY 11:58 General Information Holiday Inn Elgin Phone Rates From: BOISY To: ALL Can someone tell if it is cost effective to use the Holiday Inn Elgin's in room phone service to make modem phone calls to a local number? What I plan to do is to bring my MM/1 and modem to call Delphi through a local access number. I need to know as soon as possible. -*- 87443 18-MAY 20:30 General Information RE: Holiday Inn Elgin Phone Rates (Re: Msg 87442) From: MITHELEN To: BOISY Off hand, I don't know... Try calling up the hotel and asking how they bill local phone calls. -- Paul -*- End of Thread. -*- FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit>