THA MINISTRY (D-Fense) Bombing ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ How to make a simple bomb, part #2? Tha previous one kinda sucked, but here is a nice substitute... DISCLAIMER (shit!): ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Use/read thiz textphile at yar own risk. If ya want to try out thiz stuff here, go ahead but don't blame me for any damage! Take it as a man! THE REAL STUFF!: ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Here's what ya need; (*) A simple lighter (Bic) (*) A candle (or fluid wax) (*) A piece of rope (*) A few piece of toiletpaper Now... The building is pretty forward, it's easy to transport and it's small... a perfect 'bomb'. All it does is spit out *alot* of fire and at last it gives you a small explosion... First, light the candle. Then, smash off the metal-pieces on top of the lighter, when you listen good you'll hear a 'sshhh'-sound. That's the gas that is slipping away. Now put your finger on top of the little hole on the lighter so no gas can escape. When you have some liquid wax, tilt the candle to the wax will drip into the hole... Now, no gas can escape and we can continue to work on. All we need right now is a fuse. Let's make one! When you have a fair amount of wax, drag the piece of rope thru the wax. YOU MUST BE SURE THAT THE ENTIRE ROPE IS DRAGGED INTO THE WAX, IF NOT THE FUSE WILL NOT WORK!! Let it dry, if everything is going like I said, you now have a lighter and a fuse (read: a stiffed wax-rope). Now, systematically, roll the the pieces of toilet-paper thru the wax and put immediatly on the lighter. Don't put *too* much paper on the damn thing, but let's say just a few (4-papers). Now, attach the fuse onto the lighter with some leftover-wax... Let everything dry... ...and you have a nice little bomb!! Light the fuse, put it down on the ground and run! / o = lighter-hole __o_ / / = fuse | |/ |: = lighter itself | | : : |____| WARNING: ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ When you light it, don't go too near it! Suggestion; throw it into someones mailbox... SUCCES GUARANTEED! Also try a corvette(car)!! ENDING: ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Greetz to the >Ministry< group and Daj Shung+natje, system shock users and The Cop, Mike, Agressor, ... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ TESTED AND APPROVED... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ